Bikini Category
- Created with the aim of evaluating athletes with a worked physique and athletic appearance but who are not very muscular or defined.
- Athletes wear a two-piece bikini and can be in different colors or solid color. The bikini cut should be the traditional one (check examples on our website).
- Embellishments and jewelry are allowed, but not in an exaggerated way. Shoes are mandatory but heel height is optional.
The category is evaluated as follows:
round 1
a) Proportionality and symmetry. The athlete must have a balance between an athletic but not overly muscular body with a healthy physical appearance. May not be excessively thin or rigid in appearance compared to the Figure, Fit Body or Bodybuilding categories.
round 2
a) Physical appearance Refers to the athlete's general physical appearance. The stage performance, hair, tan, make-up and choice of bikini are evaluated in this round.
b) Poses Athletes' hair should be pulled to one side in certain poses.
- Side pose
- Back pose